Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Budweiser (Bud Heavy)

Rating: *****

Budweiser, a beer of many names. It is often called Bud Heavy to differentiate it from it's weaker little brother, Bud Lite (a.k.a. piss flavoured water). My friend John calls it 'diesel fuel'. Imagine yourself as a mighty semi truck, driving down the highway of life. Bud Heavy is your diesel fuel. You require it to keep on trucking (forgive the pun). To add to the fittingness of the nickname, it is the beer of choice for my brother, a wrench-turning diesel mechanic.

Despite all this praise, you may pause to ask why I gave it a comparitively low rating, only 5 out of 10 stars? This I must admit is entirely arbitrary. You see, the red-canned-yellow-lifewater is the standard by which I judge all other beers.

For those of you who haven't drank a Bud before, go do it now. It is a slightly watered down lager, bright urine-yellow in colouration. While it does not compare to superior foreign, or micro-brewed beer, it is still drinkable and can be found in any bar or convenience store in this country, which does not suffer the misfortune of being located in a dry county.

Budweiser is the diesel fuel of beers.

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